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D8 Hypersonic hair dryer Solution.Two rumored truths about hair dryers that must be known

Time:2023-10-21 Views:1


  Before purchasing a hair dryer, let's take a look at two rumors about hair dryers. Because these two rumors are directly related to the need to purchase a hair dryer. The rumors about hair dryers mainly focus on two points. Firstly, excessive use of hair dryers can lead to hair drying, yellowing, and irritability. Secondly, the radiation of hair dryers is high, and pregnant women should use them with caution. Whether these two rumors are true or false is worth exploring.

  Myth 1: Using a hair dryer can cause hair to wither and turn yellow. The truth about this rumor is that if a hair dryer seriously damages your hair, it is likely due to improper use: using too high a temperature, or using hot air to blow your hair up close for a long time. Regarding the issue of hair dryness, hair dryers are actually a secret weapon to solve it, especially in humid weather. Because hair dryers can close hair scales in a timely manner. In addition, hair clips can be used to layer and dry the hair, which can further reduce the feeling of hair dryness. Blow dry vertically from the root to the end of the hair, gradually placing layers on each part until the hair is completely dry. Of course, the wind and temperature should not be too high. The hair dryer should be kept at a certain distance from the hair, and should not stay in a certain position for too long to avoid damage to the hair caused by excessive temperature. Alternatively, to complete the protective work, before using a hair dryer, apply some wash free hair conditioner to the end of the hair to better protect it. The hair after blowing will also be more shiny and smooth. If you don't believe it, you can let your hair dry naturally next time, blow dry it with an electric hair dryer, and compare which situation makes your hair more comfortable. I tried it once, and after naturally drying my hair, it was so rough that I couldn't wait to wash it again and then dry it with an electric hair dryer.

  Myth 2: Hair dryers are high radiation killers. Pregnant women should be cautious when using this rumor. The truth about this rumor is that the radiation of hair dryers belongs to low-frequency electromagnetic fields, and low-frequency magnetic fields must be many times stronger than hair dryers in order to cause harm to the human body. So, describing hair dryers as high radiation killers is more of a alarmist statement. Rumors suggest that the cumulative amount of radiation from using a household hair dryer three times in a row is equal to the amount of radiation from a hospital X-ray. Moreover, hair dryers are mainly used for blowing hair, which acts on the head at close range for a long time. Compared to mobile phones that often work near the head, hair dryers do have a greater killing power. In response to this rumor, it is necessary to clarify two issues: the radiation situation of household appliances and what radiation is harmful to the human body. As long as voltage is applied to both ends of the electrical appliance, there will definitely be an electric field present; As long as there is current flowing through the electrical appliance, there must be a magnetic field around the current; The voltage and current in electrical appliances are often variable, and the changing electric field generates a magnetic field, which also generates an electric field. So, regardless of the size of household appliances, whether it's computers, televisions, microwaves, or "household appliances" such as flashlights, as long as they are connected to electricity, they will radiate electromagnetic fields to a greater or lesser extent when used. Although hair dryers are small, their power is high, usually around 1000W for household use, higher than large appliances such as refrigerators. So, the electromagnetic field intensity radiated by a hair dryer during operation is indeed very high. However, the radiation from hair dryers is different from radiation that is harmful to the human body, such as X-rays. X-ray radiation, similar to nuclear radiation, is an ionizing radiation that can cause the molecular bonds of cells in the human body to break, potentially causing cancer, and should not be underestimated. The electromagnetic fields emitted by household appliances are all non ionizing radiation. So, the radiation of a hair dryer is not comparable to the radiation of X-rays. In household appliances, the electromagnetic fields emitted by different appliances may vary in frequency. The frequency of electromagnetic waves generated around hair dryers is around 50Hz, while the frequency of electromagnetic waves emitted by mobile phones for communication is in the range of 0.8GHz to 2GHz. If low-frequency electromagnetic fields cause harm to the human body, their intensity value is much higher than that of hair dryers.

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