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D8 Hypersonic hair dryer company.Is a hair dryer only used for blowing hair? What a waste!

Time:2023-10-21 Views:1


  Tell everyone some tips for hair dryers. Hair dryers are available in every household, but most people only use them to blow their hair. In fact, hair dryers have many other uses, which can lead to significant losses

  Electric hair dryer can remove dust

  1、 The computer keyboard is most prone to dust accumulation, but it is difficult to clean. After turning off the computer power, use a hair dryer to blow cold air along the gaps of the keyboard

  The dust will come out. You can also use this method to remove dust from other small corners of the house

  Hair dryer can remove wax

  2、 If wax is stuck on the table, there is no need to scrape it hard. Blow it with a hair dryer and it will naturally soften

  A hair dryer can be used to unblock pores

  3、 When washing your face, gently blow the hot air lever of the hair dryer on your face to open pores and make it cleaner~Attention

  4、 Don't think that only wet hair can be used with a hair dryer, it can also be used with dry hair and has health benefits! Blow every day

  The hot air stop of the fan gently blows on the scalp and massages it with your hands, which can promote blood circulation and improve hair quality

  More nutrition can not only harvest a head of beautiful hair, but also relieve stress and sleep more soundly

  The hair dryer can easily tear the tape

  5、 The labels attached to newly purchased cups and bowls are often difficult to tear. You can use a hair dryer to blow them off and tear them easily

  This method can also be used for tape from other places

  A hair dryer can be used to dry shoes

  6、 Blowing the shoes with a hair dryer before wearing can make them more comfortable and prevent diseases such as athlete's foot, especially the feet

  For people who like to sweat, it is important to keep their shoes dry.

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