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Hospitality hair dryer equipment.Is the power of a hair dryer high or low

Time:2023-11-21 Views:1


  1. The power of a hair dryer can be directly seen from its price and drying speed. Although the higher the power, the faster the drying speed. However, there is also a downside, which is that the radiation generated is relatively high. The power of a hair dryer is closely related to the heating wire of the hair dryer. A high-power hair dryer requires a thicker heating wire, and the more heat energy generated, the greater the radiation. A household hair dryer usually needs around 220 watts of power.

  2. Nowadays, hair dryers sold on the market are moving towards high-power development, and many consumers also feel that drying their hair in less time can save time. Therefore, they generally choose high-power hair dryers. However, when purchasing, people need to consider whether the radiation released by hair dryers will affect human health.

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