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Hypersonic hair dryer Production.What kind of hair dryer is good for home use?

Time:2023-11-10 Views:1


  What kind of hair dryer is good for home use? What should I pay attention to when choosing? This may be a question that many friends have questions about. Don't worry, I have also summarized some shopping tips to avoid everyone stepping on thunder! Collect it quickly.

  1. Priority should be given to brands with strong professional strength: Brands with strong technical tuning capabilities will conduct in-depth tuning on some core parameters, such as airflow doubling technology and negative ion penetration technology. Some internet celebrity brands cannot be selected, as their products do not meet the technical standards.

  2. Choose one with high wind speed stability: Wind speed stability is influenced by some factors, such as bearings, motors, and brand technology. Fluctuating wind speed can easily damage hair, and long-term use can easily cause chronic scalp and hair damage.

  3. Attention should be paid to the loss of hair water diversion: factors such as wind temperature, temperature control accuracy, wind speed stability, air volume uniformity, negative ion quality, purity and quantity, negative ion permeability, and output attenuation can all affect hair care, and are all determined by these factors comprehensively.

  4. Choose one with good negative ion penetration effect: Each hair dryer has a different understanding of negative ions. The penetration effect of negative ions should focus on the number of negative ions, as well as the quality, purity, concentration, permeability, and output attenuation of negative ions after technical adjustment.

  5. Priority should be given to metal dual bearing motors: the dual bearing structure is more complex, with stronger wind speeds for long-term use, less kinetic energy loss, and better wind speed stability.

  6. Choose the weight of the hair dryer based on your own situation: the grip feeling is related to the size of the handle, anti slip material, and body weight. It should be noted that the grip feeling has a significant impact on the accumulated practical experience over time.

  7. Pay attention to the gear number of the hair dryer: the more wind speed and temperature ranges there are, the more options there are for dry hair mode, which can better find the gear suitable for your hair quality.

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