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Salon-grade hair dryer price.Silicon controlled rectifier in high-speed blowing

Time:2024-01-11 Views:1

  Thyristor is a high-power semiconductor device commonly used as a switching device in AC circuits. It has valve control function, can accurately control the conduction time of current, and has high-precision power supply regulation and current control functions. In high-speed hair dryers, thyristors are commonly used in heating wire control circuits to regulate and switch the heating wire.

  Specifically, thyristors can achieve the following functions in high-speed hair dryers:

  1. Adjust the current of the heating wire

  Thyristors can automatically adjust the current based on changes in input voltage, thereby achieving precise current regulation of the heating wire. When the temperature is too high or the current is too high, the thyristor will automatically cut off the current, thereby avoiding overheating and damage to the heating wire.

  2. Switching heating wires

  If the high-speed hair dryer is equipped with multiple sets of heating wires, the thyristor can achieve switching control of the heating wires to achieve control of different heating powers and wind speeds.

  3. Reliable circuit protection

  The controllable silicon can also achieve reliable protection of the circuit in high-speed hair dryers by controlling power supply stability, overcurrent and overheating protection measures, and preventing motor damage and safety risks.

  In summary, the application of controllable silicon can achieve precise current regulation, switching, and circuit protection functions in high-speed hair dryers, improving the performance, safety, and stability of high-speed hair dryers.

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