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Salon-grade hair dryer sales.What are the differences between high-speed hair dryers and regular hair dryers?

Time:2023-12-20 Views:1


  High Speed Dryers: These dryers are typically equipped with more powerful motors and fans, capable of providing higher wind speeds and volumes. They can remove moisture from hair more quickly, so they usually require shorter time to complete the blow drying task.

  Regular hair dryer: The wind speed and air volume of a regular hair dryer are relatively low, and it may take longer to dry hair.

  Heating system:

  High speed hair dryers: Some high-speed hair dryers have a more powerful heating system that can provide higher temperatures, helping to dry hair faster.

  Ordinary hair dryers: The heating system of ordinary hair dryers is usually relatively weak and the temperature is relatively low.

  Design and Function:

  High speed hair dryers: Some high-speed hair dryers may have more functions and advanced design features, such as additional wind speed and temperature settings, ion generators, cold air functions, etc. They are usually designed to be more durable and suitable for frequent use.

  Regular hair dryers: Regular hair dryers typically have basic functions and may lack advanced design features.


  High speed hair dryers: Due to their more powerful performance and additional features, high-speed hair dryers are usually more expensive.

  Regular hair dryers: Regular hair dryers are relatively inexpensive.

  Noise level:

  High speed hair dryers: Due to their more powerful motors and fans, high-speed hair dryers typically produce more noise.

  Regular hair dryers: Regular hair dryers are usually quieter.

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