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Hair dryer with retractable handle.How to use a cost-effective hair dryer

Time:2024-05-09 Views:1


  When using a cost-effective hair dryer, the first step is to master the correct usage techniques. After washing your hair, gently dry it with a towel and wait for 20 minutes before starting to blow dry. This way, hair is easier to blow dry and less likely to become frizzy. Secondly, when applying hair care essential oil, it should be done after the hair is slightly dry to prevent the essential oil and water molecules from evaporating together. At the same time, when blowing hair, it is necessary to start from the root and blow dry layer by layer, instead of blowing the tail first to avoid the hair becoming frizzy.

  When using a cost-effective hair dryer, it is also important to pay attention to the selection of temperature. Excessive temperature can cause thermal damage to hair, so it is recommended to choose an appropriate temperature for hair blowing. In addition, it is also important to regularly clean the air inlet and outlet of the hair dryer to ensure its normal operation and extend its service life.

  Finally, choose a suitable hair dryer based on personal hair quality and volume. For people with fine and soft hair and low hair volume, choosing a hair dryer with moderate power and wind speed is sufficient; For people with coarse and hard hair and high hair volume, it is necessary to choose a hair dryer with higher power and stronger wind speed to meet their needs.

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