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Windshield and switch of hair dryer.Hair dryer with cool shot

Time:2024-04-18 Views:1


  1. Wind deflector. Some hair dryers have a circular wind deflector at the air inlet to adjust the air intake. A hair dryer without a circular wind deflector can also adjust the air intake by covering a part of the air inlet with a piece of paper. When the air intake is low, the blown air is relatively hot, while when the air intake is high, the blown air is not too hot. Please note that the air vent should not be blocked too much, otherwise it may damage the motor or burn out the electric heating element due to high temperature.

  2. Switch. The hair dryer switch generally has three positions: "hot air", "cold air", and "stop". White is commonly used to indicate "stop", red to indicate "hot air", and blue to indicate "cold air".

  Some hair dryers have electric heating elements composed of two or three electric heating wires, which are used to adjust the temperature and controlled by a selector switch.

  With the reform and gradual improvement of the performance of hair dryers, most of the heating elements of hair dryers at home and abroad are connected in series with a set of constant temperature automatic control elements. It can automatically connect the circuit under normal working conditions of the air duct, and automatically cut off the circuit in case of special situations (such as overheating of the heating element). In the selection of materials for the outer shell of the wind turbine, the previous use of metal (such as copper or cold-rolled iron sheet) materials has been changed to the use of thermoplastic engineering materials (mainly polycarbonate, modified polystyrene, modified polypropylene, etc.).

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